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Hi, I'm Maria

I'm an Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen and affiliated with Centre for Computational Economics. I did my PhD in urban economics and a postdoc in economics of education before starting my current position. 


The first strand of my research focuses on developing models explaining the housing market equilibrium as a function of individuals' home and work location decisions. I consider how this equilibrium is affected by increased housing stock and telecommuting. I expand this work to consider dual-earner households and their intra-household bargaining over locations and work on identifying potential channels in that process which can explain gender gaps on the labor market. I also contribute to the hedonic pricing literature by developing methods that pin down the welfare consequences of improvements of locational amenities such as reductions in crime. 


The second strand of my research aims to improve the understanding of individuals' way through the education system and how these sequential decisions, including dropping out, are formed and affect labor market outcomes later in life. 



University of Copenhagen

PhD in Economics (4+4 program)

Dissertation title: Topics in Urban Economics - Non-Market Valuation and Location Choice

Supervisor: Professor Bertel Schjerning


Yale University


University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen

Visiting graduate student

MSc in Economics 

Transferred to PhD program in 2015

BSc in Economics



University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen


Duke University


University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

Postdoc, Department of Economics

Visiting PhD student hosted by Professor Christopher Timmins

Database Administrator

Research Assistant 

Teaching Experience and Training


University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen


University of Copenhagen

Lecturer and course coordinator in Introductory Probability Theory and Statistics 

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Program

Supervision Report

University Teaching and Supervision Course for Academic Staff

Teaching Assistant in Dynamic Programming


2021                                                          DFF, Green Transition of the Car Fleet, 11.9 mio. DKK (project participant)


2011-2019                                                Ernst og Karen Marie Andersens Fond, 100,000 DKK


2018                                                          National Foundation for Danish America, 150,000 DKK


2018                                                          DFF, Dynamic Effects of Public Expenditure, 9.8 mio. DKK (project participant)


2016                                                          Augustinus Fonden, 35,000 DKK

2016                                                          Oticon Fonden, 28,000 DKK

2016                                                          Økonomisk Instituts Rejsefond, 100,000 DKK


2016                                                          Konsul Axel Nielsens Mindelegat, 20,000 DKK


2015-2019                                                PhD Scholarship, University of Copenhagen, 260,000 DKK annually

2014                                                          SAMF's Internationaliseringsstipendium, 14,000 DKK

2014                                                          Sasakawafonden, 15,000 DKK

2014                                                          Økonomisk Instituts Rejsefond, 75,000 DKK

2014                                                          Augustinusfonden, 17,500 DKK

2014                                                          Oticon Fonden, Adalbert Gade og Hustrus Fond, Familien Hede Nielsens Fond, Konsul                                                                          Axel Nielsens Mindelegat, Hotelejer Anders Månsson, og hustrus legat, KU Fælleslegat,                                                                        48,000 DKK in total

©2022 by Maria Juul Hansen

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